
Wellness Coaching

Wellness is defined by NASM as “an individual’s personal journey toward the mental, physical, social, and emotional betterment of life.” Translation: it’s not only someone’s healthy behaviors or habits, but the process of making ongoing and informed choices which in turn make that person’s life better, healthier, more connected, and emotionally satisfying. My job as your wellness coach is to support you in the process of making those choices. I will do this by getting to the root of the problem through consultation during which you can discuss your goals and challenges in a safe space and we can come up with a success plan for you!

Plan Includes

  • Focus on non-dietary aspects of your lifestyle, such as physical activity

  • In-the-moment reframing of internal dialogue and self-talk

  • Show you how to break down goals

  • Examine and understand emotional reactions to behavior

  • Address dealing with shame

  • Address focusing on strength

  • Discuss finding motivation when feeling stuck

  • 24/7 chat support

  • Track your progress

How it works

  • Purchase the plan
  • Meet for initial consultation
  • Complete onboarding questionnaire after logging into the app
  • Your personalized success plan is made available in the app in 24-48 hrs
  • Follow plan, log in a daily journal how you are feeling and why.
  • Connect with me in case of any queries via in-app chat or 1-1 video call




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